Friday, 17 January 2014

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

MACRO Rules Wall - Distort, Exaggerate, Breaks, Plays (style)

How does V & CoM break the 'rules' of CHN, Genre conventions and stock characters, Stereotypes

What Dystopian Themes and Messages are linked to this breakdown of structure? 

How do these Post-Modern films re-enforce Dystopian Themes and the 'warning' message through using this STYLE?

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Ideas Generation

Story builder - using your Film Texts from your study, write and swap

Genre & Location
Characters - Antagonist/Protagonist
What is the disruption - event
How does the character respond - solve the problem
How is the story resolved

What is the Iconic Moment? 
Give the film a Title
Write a film tagline for
What is the MACRO study

Now get together with another student to piece the story back together

 Starter: Film pitches - Recap:

Film Plot randominser Ideas – Building though bricolage
Next student and then...

What are narrative threads?
What is the 'iconic moment' in the prequelscontinuity in the franchise

Create Meaning
1. Check your idea against tips & discuss with Mentor

2. Discuss with your mentor & get feedback – specifically (Mind Map & Blog):
ñ  Characters - get faces captured (role in the story, behaviours/stereotypes)
ñ  Plot (outline & narrative threads/iconic moment)
ñ  Genre (how you are developing the conventions/hybridity & why)

ñ  MACRO influence – explain to your Mentor what aspect of your study are you exploring with this scene (see criteria for coursework)

ñ  Conclusion: Resolution or Disruption – Prequel or Sequel

Apply to demonstrate

1. Present your Elevator Pitch to your Mentor (Video Diary)

2. On Blog
Justify how it fulfils the success criteria
Mentor will evaluate the idea (1 improvement, 1 encouragement)

Review - 1
10 mins

Mentor evaluative feedback  – are we good to go?
Create a Marketing Tagline to advertise on of the films – i.e. "Like father like son"

Post Modern Films? Breaking Structures

New Info: Video Essays. Play the 2 films in 60 seconds projects – Either team evaluates the video (paper)
> Mock exam: Narrative, Representation, Style or Genre question
> Link to Messages.

CREATE “WALL” with narrative, genre, representation concepts written on it


Checklist – outline the content
Knowledge & understanding of MACRO
Sense of arguement or judgment/justification 

To what extent do the films conform to mainstream film gender stereotypes (mother, hero, sex object, damsel in distress etc?
What messages can you read about the role/behaviour of men/women?
What theoretical perspective can we apply to our analysis (Male Gaze, Phallic/Yonic)

Group 1: Identify the analysis points for V & CoM each pair discusses on P card (3 for V, 3 for CoM)

Group 2: Collect examples from the film clips on your Example cards

Group 3: Analyse the purpose & meaning (messages/links to themes) on Analysis cards

Group 4: identify the Compare and conclusion on the Synthesis cards (this is the answer to the question)

Find your relevant partners in the room to rebuild the essay in it's stages. Carousels around the room & collect Representation Points for your Points cards (4 for both sets)

Post-Modern = breaking 'structures' (how can we apply this to Genre?)
Show Wreck It Ralph – print off walls with NARRATIVE CONCEPTS

2014 Film Geek/Awareness Quiz - set film criticism

Starter: Film Quiz

What makes these films relevant to 2013? (answers below)

What were the biggest box office successes of 2013?

Critical Thinking:
What are some of the similarities between them?
Production Studio (Hollywood?)
Box Office Gross
Budget (if you can find it)
Audience intended

Why are the following films important & how many have you seen?  What are they so different to the Box Office List?
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook
Django Unchained
Les Mis

Why/why not?