Sunday, 23 September 2012

Homework w/c 24th Sept (Cinematography)

Task 1:
Read over the Male Gaze and Psycho Analysis & familiarise yourself with Voyeurism - this is to do with ideas of Power in looking

Task 2:
300 word analysis of the following sequence from V for Vendetta
What does the use of shot types, angles, movement and focus tell you about the characters relationship & notions of power (male ambition/who is in charge/voyeurism)

Task 3:
email me your film studies blog address so i can see your homework and link you to the blog

Task 4:
A paragraph commentary on the Alice in Wonderland/Alien set design - identify the elements of mise-en-scene and describe

The Style of this scene
How it re-interprets the story
What genre does it come across as
What is it saying about the character

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