Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Marking Criteria Film Texts (V & CoM) & Grades

1. ... Knowledge & understanding of MACRO Narrative = (analysis of the storytelling for some deeper meaning)

2. ... Application of Narrative & Genre to the chosen films demonstrating insight & depth = (analysis of meaning using storytelling) 

3. Offers a ... range of examples from the films chosen for response, demonstrating ... technical knowledge and understanding, with ... ability to link examples to the set question
Level 4 Excellent (critical, argument & comparative) 
(32-40 marks) A grade

• A clearly relevant, sustained and sophisticated response to the set question.
• Use of film terminology is confident, frequent and consistently accurate.
Complex issues are expressed clearly and fluently using a style of writing appropriate to the complex subject matter. Sentences and paragraphs, consistently relevant, are well structured, using appropriate technical terminology. There may be few, if any, errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Level 3 Proficient (can analyse why/reasons to answer the question) 
(25-31 marks) B/C Grade

• A mostly relevant and appropriate response to the set question.
• Use of film terminology is appropriate, frequent and mostly accurate in its application.

Relatively straightforward ideas are expressed with some clarity and fluency. Arguments are generally relevant, though may stray from the point of the question. There are some errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar, but these are unlikely to be intrusive or obscure meaning.

Level 2 Basic (descriptive of the story & identifies CHN elements) 
(17-24 marks) D/E Grade

• A mostly relevant and appropriate response to the set question.
• Use of film terminology is largely accurate but basic and may lack frequency.
Some simple ideas are expressed in an appropriate context. There are likely to be some errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar of which some may be noticeable and intrusive.

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