Sunday, 28 September 2014

1.5.1&2 Narrative in V for Vendetta (with editing)

A superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of stock character possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers"[1] and dedicated to protecting the public.

By most definitions, characters do not strictly require actual superhuman powers to be deemed superheroes,[4] although terms such as costumed crime fighters or masked vigilantes are sometimes used to refer to those such as Batman and Green Arrow without such powers who share other superhero traits. 

Some superheroes use their powers to counter day-to-day crime while also combating threats against humanity by supervillains, their criminal counterparts. Often, one of these supervillains will be the superhero's archenemy


Starter: Black Bag (Rizla Game)… which stock character?
Ask them questions about their role in the story & guess who they are – Generic Stock Character activity

C What role am I
B What is my purpose in the film (stock character)?
A What message or ideas does my character express

Present New Information
New Info
What is the CHN quiz – what is this an example of?
Donkey Kong
Mario Princess
30 second bunnies star wars
Dark Knight sweeded

In Mentor Pairs – quiz on Classic Hollywood Narrative

New Info/Construct Meaning

Narrative Structure: an introduction

(H) Group 1: Psychological Motivation & Opposition & Conflict

Characters & Roles V for Vendetta

Video Interview with the main characters (interrogation in character)

(M) Group 2: Equilibrium Disequilibrium Resolution & Cause & Effect

Narrative Structure 1 Todorov

Map out the plot into the structure, along with the C&E scenes and explain the links (Popplet)


(L) Group 3: Propp & Stock Characters – do they confirm/challenge?

Narrative 3: Characters & Propp


Talking Stock Characters for the film…how they do and don’t conform

Carousel & check your answers:

Apply to demonstrate: A 1 paragraph conclusion of V's use of Narrative conventions email me

Justify to what extent V for Vendetta conforms to Classic Hollywood Narrative

Explain how and why the film subverts Classic Hollywood Narrative conventions to convey the message?

New Info: Narrative & Editing Juxtaposition & Cross Cutting
Rocky 4 Training & Godfather Baptism Scene
How do they use editing to create Narrative meaning?

Create Meaning:
Annotate the clips to analyse techniques & meaning characters
~Domino, eveys awakening, clunky story, opening getting ready

Write a paragraph on your scene - As a class complete (use the lower grid with suggested notes to help you if you need it). Screen capture the examples of editing - that means at least 2 shots...

Kuleshov Technique: make your own (in 2s)


Thursday, 25 September 2014

Commentary plan for assessment Monday 25th

Pre-reading for 1.5.2 Mon 29th September

Pre-reading for Monday (observation):
Stock Characters:
Character Roles:

What stock characters are to be found in V?
How does the film use characters differently to a typical Hollywood film?
Why do you think this is in relation to getting the message of the film across?

Lesson 1.4.3 Genre, Style, Themes meets Narrative & Cinematography


Create Meaning: Complete your studies (grids) on either specialism: 

MES = Style, Themes, Genre
Cinematography = Narrative (characters)

New Info:
You have 10 minutes to share in your analysis in your specialism team. 

20 minutes
Teach the your specialism to the other groups in 4s - your analysis of GENRE, STYLE, THEMES or NARRATIVE/Voyeurism

You must take away the following notes to write up a commentary on the film using at least 3 examples from both specialisms:

Task 1: Show your example to your student, and explain to them your analysis sharing your grids:
Genre, Themes, Style:
Final Fight Scene Valerie's Letter Introduction to the Characters Revolutionary Speech The bombing of Old Bailey & Parliament
Narrative and Voyeurism: V for Vendetta Opening
V for Vendetta The Bishop
V for Vendetta Voice of London
V for Vendetta The man from room V
V for Vendetta Valerie's Letter

Task 2: Bullet point notes to answer these questions: 
1. Define the Term, 
2. Analyse how MES or CINEMATOGRAPHY is used to construct Genre, Themes, Style, Narrative and Voyeurism [ie 'Explosion = Action' or 'Low Angle = power']
3. Synthesis: How & why it uses this technique to get across the film's message/effect

The 500 word commentary is due to be on your blogs by 3:30 pm with examples of the clips you have chosen, covering Genre, Style, Narrative, Themes, Voyeurism (100 words on each min including stills and embedded/linked videos)

Preparation for Assessment on Monday

Apply to demonstrate:
Cinematography: Swede the sequences, showing your understanding of how they construct Narrative (character) & Voyeurism:
Group 1
Introduction to Sutler 
Group 2
The revolutionary speech
Group 3
Evey's Interrogation

All students:
Genre/Style/Themes: Thematic Mood Board

Pre-reading for Monday (observation):
Stock Characters:
Character Roles:

What stock characters are to be found in V?
How does the film use characters differently to a typical Hollywood film?
Why do you think this is in relation to getting the message of the film across?

Monday, 22 September 2014

Pre-learning for Thursday 22.9.14

9 images - how do they relate to events on last 13 years?

1.4.2 Apply to demonstrate

Exit Pass

1. Why does he blow up the Old Bailey - symbolises?
2. Whats the significance of November 5th?
3. What are there speakers all over the streets of London (look for a sign on the buildings)

Teach the other group & assess via the following methods:

If you did cinematography & narrative:
Genre, Themes & Style Mood Board 

If you did Genre, Style & Themes:
Reconstruct the Introduction to Sutler (phones)

The revolutionary Speech

Genre Starter

Sunday, 21 September 2014

1.4.1 Genre, Themes & Style (MES)

Session 1&2:

Film Genres Video 

20 mins: Starter: what types of film is: 

kick ass, sin city, jtimberlake countdown film, clips
What are the clues/signs/characteristics?
Email me

Return Quiz: cinematography marks back

20 mins: New Info: Define & Identify examples of Genre, Themes, Style

Style: Neo-Noir & Comic Book
SIn City 
Style over Narrative?
Graphic Novel compare to the scenes in the film

Neo Noir?

20 mins: Create Meaning 
Each pair (Uses the Grid to cover 1 on their Term) & how it applies to the clip
Use Grids to create a Video annotation between the teams

20 mins: Apply to demonstrate
Each pair carousels and teaches the other terms (2 teams of 6, looking at all 3 terms)

What type of film is V?

How would you describe the style?
What themes does it deal with?

Review: Is it a Sci-Fi, Comic Book film or Thriller?
Write me the message of the film (on a Post it or on paper)

Session 2. Close analysis of scenes
20 mins (x3) on each term to collect the evidence for above
1. Style
2. Theme
3. Genre

Final Fight Scene
Valerie's Letter
Introduction to the Characters
Revolutionary Speech
The bombing of Old Bailey & Parliament

20 mins: Write up analysis micro essay on blog & email

Is V a Sci-Fi film or a Superhero Film or a Thriller?
How does this affect the message of V for Vendetta?
How is Style used to get this message across?

Message of the film?
What style - Hollywood or Film Noir

Homework: Next Week Read & Identify key significant terms/knowledge
9/11, Distopia & Stock Characters

Individual Comment on the evidence on your mood board: To what extent is it a Sci Fi film & why (conventions, hybrid)? What are the messages of the film? 300 words

Friday, 19 September 2014

1.3.1 Cinematography, Narrative & Representation

Cinematography Starter: 2001

What does the composition and framing tell you about the significance of the monolyth?

What does the camera tell you about the character of Bond 

Terminology Guide - Mind Map, define and annotate examples 

Create Meaning
What does this tell you about the characters and their role in the NARRATIVE? 

Apply to demonstrate: Carousel and Teach the next group

V for Vendetta Opening

V for Vendetta The Bishop

V for Vendetta Voice of London

V for Vendetta The man from room V

V for Vendetta Valerie's Letter

V for Vendetta Intro to Sutler

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Pre-reading: Themes, Style & Genre

In Your Mentor Pairs

Use the Grids to define & label examples and analyse the clips:

Task 2:
NARRATIVE (Characters) 

Task 3: Eatch V for Vendetta (In class Next week we'll be doing this...)
Create a thematic Mood Board of the Themes & Genre conventions in V for Vendetta?

What types of style is it filmed in (lighting, colours, costume, effects)

What are the themes of the fim?

What type(s) of film can it be categoriesd as?

Monday, 1 September 2014

1.1.1 Film Language & MES

Prepare for Learning
BTTF - opening: what does it tell us?
Setting (Time & Place)

Present New Information
Film Language: Define the words using the resources using Liniot

The key words are group 1: Mise-en-scene

Create Meaning:
Analyse the MES elements in the following clips (pick one or two examples
Wall E
Blade Runner

Apply to demonstrate: Liniot
What do you think it is trying to say?
Check for common answers on your Liniots

Create Meaning
Redesign (draw or the set, costume, lighting, colours and props for Alice in Wonderland using Alien or Alien to Alice in Wonderland

New Info: Define (Liniot) these terms & label the images from the clips:

Create Meaning
Break the MES images into stills showing for your film

Apply to demonstrate:
Analyse how MES has affected the GENRE, STYLE & THEMES in your AiW
How has it changed?

Review 5 mins
BTTF - opening: what does it tell us?
Setting (Time & Place)

Prep next lesson
Look at their SWEDES - break down the film language (MES, STYLE, GENRE, THEMES)