Sunday, 12 May 2013

Film Studies Revision - Mock Feedback

Hi All

Just a quick note to say very best of luck this week - I am free P1&2 on Tuesday if anyone would like to see me for some last minute advise or feedback on their essays, just drop into the Library I will be around then.

Make sure you know the films, what scenes you will write about & what critical approach you will be using for the questions you are likely to be asked

Genre - Hybridity & conventions changing over time & why (Dystopia)?
Narrative - is it C.H. Narrative or Post-Modern & why - purpose, message?
Representation - Motherhood, stereotypes or challenging them & why, Yonic/Phallic, what messages?
Themes &/or Messages - Dystopia - a warning of where we are heading based on where we are now?

Remember to back it up with close studies of your examples & the fact that they are both doing something that challenges typical mainstream values/ideology & messages in films. 

Last thing - I chose these films to try & wake you up a bit to what's going on in the world & why it is to some extent our own fault for not being bothered - if you are interested look into a guy to Alex Jones, he has some documentaries which are really eye opening if not a bit radical & frightening - BUT he does completely back up everything he claims with research.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

5.4 Lesson Plan

Group 4: Themes/Messages

How are the key messages and values communicated in the films you have studied? (V&CoM)

Answer the question: Compare & Contrast how the films are similar & different in their themes & their ideas they are trying to put forward - how do they get these messages across through the Micro aspects? 

>the types of messages and values that can be interpreted from the texts  
>the processes by which these messages and values may be communicated. >discussions of one or more of the following:


V some themes & scenes

Group 3: Genre

"How do the films you have studied (V & CoM) relate to the concept of Genre?"

To what extent is either film a Thriller or a Sci-Fi? Which is it more?

Why are they hybrids - what is the purpose of this & why is it necessary to tell the story or create the messages of the film?

What conventions are present from each genre & how are they blended together?

Why do genres change & develop over time?

Pick 3 examples from each film to compare & contrast

Group 2: Narrative

"How do the films you have studied (V & CoM) relate to the concept of Narrative?"

Classic Hollywood Narrative:

  1. Cause & Effect
  2. Character driven, resolving their problems based on their (motivations/desires/emotions)
  3. Opposition & Conflict (protagonist/antagonist)
  4. 3 Act structure (equilibrium, disruption, resolution)
  5. Sense of closure – resolution

Compare Lists - how the 2 films follow the Classic Hollywood Narrative or how they don't conform

What are the major Plot Points of V for Vendetta & Children Of Men? Get 3 examples from each film to compare


Examples of alternatives to the CHN structure (post-modern)

  • Non-Linear Narrative
  • Multi-stranded Narrative
  • Negative Resolution

Representation Group 1

Q. How does the film go against & use typical expectations of masculinity & femininity in these films to create meaning (messages)?

V&CoM comparison of representations (essay points)
Keyscenes to examine - pick 1 off each row to compare

Row 1: Evey hair shaved/torture, Opening rape, Evey Ending, Bishops school girl
Row 2: Kei reveals she is pregnant, Kei walks through guns, Kei gives birth, Kei Ending

Row 3: V opening intro, Vtv message, V kills Creedy/V dies, V looses Evey
Row 4: Theo opening meets Juliette, Theo buries Juliette, The long take, Theo ending

National identity
Row 5: England prevails, Girl getting shot/revolution, Parliament blown up,
Row 6: Fugee town/bagged on bus, Britain still stands, The uprising
  1. Argue does this challenge or reenforce traditional stereotypes (gender roles in films) – Do Does it demonstrate that in films 'Men act, women appear”?
  2. Is there voyeurism & use of the Male Gaze?
  3. What meaning/reading of messages about Masculine & Feminine? Any Yonic or phalic symbols (power)?
  4. What messages from this negative representation of the future of Britain?
  5. Comparative - how Realistic are the characters/vision of London?


Justify the purpose (who are these messages directed to and who are the audience – are these mainstream, typical Hollywood films?) HOW DOES IT RELATE TO THE FILMS THEMES? (DYSTOPIA)?