Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Film Studies Final Deadlines Reminder

Remember - Failure to hit these Final deadlines results in a 0 mark

This week
Friday 1st March  
Location Report with series of Photos
Final Script with annotations of 9 Shot Type and explaination

End of Module 4 (4 weeks)
Thursday 27th March 
Final Submission of Textual Analysis (Essay 1500 words or 8-10 min presentation)
Final 9 Key frames- posed & in costume, set dressed/location, shot type

1st wk after Easter (7 weeks)
Friday 19th April - Final Evaluation

All work to be submitted through your group Blog

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Homework for Half Term - Planning & Creative Artefact

Final Deadline - 1st March
1. Planning
Location Report (a series of photographs with notes on suitability to the scene & aesthetics (the look)
Present this as a NEW Blog Page customised to look like a 'Film Location Report' blog page to contain your Report & your Photos Example

Your Report requires notes on... 
  • Transport links/how accessible include a Google maps/Streetmaps image
  • Who is the contact for the location and arrangements for using their site
  • Health & Safety concerns for your production/scene
  • Lighting & Noise, Electrical Power
  • Evaluate - how suitable to what you want it to look like on screen/what happens in the scene: set dressings required etc.

2. Creative Artefact (Script with 9 Key Frames & annotations on shot types)
Uploaded to your Location Report Blog & Labelled as 'Creative Artefact' with:
  • 9 key frames (photographs) of your actors posed in costume & on location/dressed set (props, lighting etc) 
  • Annotate your Script: Shot Types in the Margin with notes on your decisions/purpose

Thursday, 7 February 2013

3.5 Post Mock Representation

Starter: Debate
To what extent do the films conform to mainstream film gender stereotypes (mother, hero, sex object, damsel in distress etc?

New Info
Give out analysis points for V & CoM each pair discusses and checks understanding as a sentence on P card (1 for V, 1 for CoM)

Their mentor Carousels around the room & collect Representation Points for your Points cards (5 both setsmust translate from Mentor)

Collect examples from the film clips on your Example cards
Analyse the purpose & meaning (messages/links to themes) on Analysis cards
Compare and conclusion on the Synthesis cards (this is the answer to the question)

Apply to demonstrate
Make a Film using characters' faces in role presenting your answer over the clips (Voice of London, V's speech etc) BUT structured using these clips, and the PEAS cards
What messages can you read/analyse about the role/behaviour of men/women?
What theoretical perspective can we apply to our analysis (Male Gaze, Phallic/Yonic)

POINTS for analysis
"Men act, Women appear"?
V acts, Evey is nearly raped, tortured then finally acts when she becomes masculine.

(Action Hero) Hypermasculinity?
V & Theo 'naturally' protect the women. V has superhuman physical powers. Theo faces an army without any physical confrontation - scampers like a rat.

(Sex Object) Objectification of women?
Evey is dressed up for her liason with her boss, she is dressed up as bait for the Bishop. Kee is naked to show her pregnancy - is she sexualised?

Psychosexual analysis - Phallic/Yonic imagery - tunnel, train, penetration, male castration
Theo's rebirth at the start of the Long Take. V uses roses, gloves & knives/swords. Creedy's gun runs out of bullets. Guns & Tanks during the 'uprising'
Mother/nurturer? (metaphorical birth/rebirth)
Evey Births the Revolution, Kee births the baby and hope for the future, The Dr births V with the experiments
Father/Procreation - 'the fatherland?)
Theo is the failed father seeking redemption, Sutler is the Chancellor (Hitler) with England as the Fatherland, Jasper is the Father figure to Theo, V is the spiritual father to Evey
Dystopian representation of British National Identity - (Empire, Nationalism, Facism, Repressed emotions, Non-confrontational?) 'Fugees' are locked up, beaten, tortured. Suicide, hopelessness and technology to escape.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Script Draft 1 Feedback - How long/many pages?

Tarantino's acceptance speech words on the subject of feedback: "I don't want input, I don't want you to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, heavens forbid. But I write a scene, and I think I've heard it as much as I can, but then when I read it to you - I don't give it to you to read, I read it - when I read it to you, I hear it through your ears, and it lets me know I'm on the right track." 

Rule of Thumb: 1 min of screentime = 1 page of script