Wednesday 10 December 2014

Representation feedback PEAS comparative

Here is a list of new peer partners based on most recent performance in using PEA and comparing the films. 
Student 1 with 5 & 9
Student 2 with 6
Student 3 with 7
Student 4 with 8
Student 5 with 9

The messages (A) of both films have been discussed in previous lessons and your feedback from module addressed a lack of weekly summary in your notes. How far have you made progress?

Level 3 (low) Can make points about gender with some examples though maybe not comparatively or to link to purpose or messages (P with some E but no A)
Student 1

Level 3 (midr) Can link some points to interpret comparative anslysis of the film with examples (P linked to A with E)
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5

Level 3 (upper) or Level 4: Can explain how the film uses Representation of gender to communicate messages (S) (P linked to A with comparative E and explanation if the messages of the films S)
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9

Messages (see your notes this should be there...) It is my expectation that all students ought to be able to refer to this in your essay. Without this in your essay you evidence a general lack of preparation and revision.

To be feminine is to be fearful and passive (Evey embodies the population)
To be masculine is to be responsible and active
This uses typical Hollywood convention of ' men act women appear' but subverts it to make a political point (not typical to shave the femininity off of your leading lady)

Feminine is to be a mother, natural to nurture and birth = hope
A man made unnatural future where women have no role = despair and violence
Masculinity is unrestricted and without hope - destructive and power struggle 
Kee mother had more power than hyper masculinity - at least temporarily

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